Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Homeopathic Remedies – General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies

Agrimony Remedy

Key attributes of Bach Flower Agrimony Remedy are Mental Torment behind a brave face.

Indications:  Agrimony is indicated for those who hide their troubles from themselves and others. This Flower Remedy helps those who appear carefree and humorous, but actually they hide behind their anxieties, worries and inner pain and fears. They avoid arguments and confrontations. They dislike being alone and are very sociable, seeking company as a distraction and may use alcohol, drugs, food, or work to escape their pain. Agrimony Teaches honesty about feelings and the ability to express them. Agrimony helps them express their pain, fears and worries, moreover their cheerfulness will come from within, instead of covering up pain and worries.

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