Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pain, Performance and Pure Medicine

An active lifestyle will help keep you fit and feeling younger, but sometimes sports injuries and overexertion cause aches and pains that inhibit performance and leave you feeling…well, not so young. Advocates of exercise and homeopathy know this is true. Especially when they forget to use their remedies. Aches, pains and stiffness in the joints, especially in the morning when getting out of bed, help us remember the difference between 40 and 20!
This type of pain is not limited to “mid-lifers” or those approaching 40. Children, teenagers, young adults and seniors, can all experience muscle aches and pains, whether they live an active lifestyle or not. The amazing thing is that many of us accept it as a fact of life and do little to counter it. Homeopathic remedies provide a natural, universal solution for any age. They can be used before, during and after a workout. More importantly, homeopathic remedies are safe and effective without side effects or contraindications.

 Arnica Montana: Muscle soreness from overexertion. This  remedy can be used hiking up the mountain to minimize and  treat the inevitable soreness you’ll feel after coming down. It’s  also great for those Bumps n Bruises, so keep one handy when   children are hard at play.

Rhus Tox: An essential part of any Arthritis Pain formula. An excellent remedy for mild or more serious forms of arthritis pain. This remedy is effective for rheumatic pain and stiffness that may result from old sports injuries and more chronic situations.
Cinchona Off: Quinine is a key remedy for Leg Cramps. It is indicated for symptoms of pain in limbs and joints that are worse from the slightest touch and better from hard pressure.
Bryonia: When there is aching in every muscle, you feel worse from motion and better from rest, Bryonia is a good remedy choice. Bryonia is often indicated for neck and lower back stiffness.
  • Ferrum phos: Take before and after workout to help with recovery
  • Nat phos: For removal of acidity after a workout
  • Mag phos: For cramping , spasms and radiating pain
  • Nat mur: Water distributor will help keep you hydrated
  • Calc fluor: Supports tissue elasticity.  Helpful if you have sprains
  • Kali phos: The mental remedy will support nerves and help you stay focused.
Homeopathy comes through with flying colours in the sports arena. The relief of tired, achy, overused and injured muscles and joints indicates how well this 200 year-old form of medicine works. It is effective in treating everyone from the noblest weekend warriors to professional athletes. Homeopathy has a different approach than conventional medicine. However, as a complementary treatment it succeeds in preventing and treating a myriad of sports conditions, naturally. homeopathic combinations are great remedies for “novice” users and those experienced with homeopathy. The multiple remedy ingredients are precisely formulated to address specific and general symptoms associated with several conditions and individuals.
Combination formulas contain extremely diluted amounts of natural substances that would cause similar symptoms if taken in nondiluted concentrations. Homeopathic dilutions help stimulate a natural curative response based on an individual’s symptom picture. Unlike other natural health care products and medicines, homeopathic remedies are safe and effective without side effects or contraindications. You can use it as a stand-alone treatment or right alongside any other medication or natural product. That is what makes homeopathy the ultimate complementary medicine.

• Arnica is the primary ingredient for control and temporary
symptomatic relief of bruising, swelling and muscle soreness
• Includes Hypericum for nerve injuries due to falls, blows or
other injury
• Contains Ruta grav to support connective tissue injuries like
sprains, twists or shin splints
Arthritis Formula
• Relief of joint pain associated with minor arthritis
• Minor muscle pain associated with over exertion, especially in the neck and back
• Can be used in conjunction with other medications without side effects 

Backache with Arnica
• Relieves pains in the lower back due to strain, overexertion, cold or exposure
• Contains Arnica - the most commonly used homeopathic medicine for the relief of muscle pain
• Safe for adults and children
Leg Cramps with Quinine
• Relieves cramps and pains in the lower back and legs
• Homeopathic quinine is approved by Health Canada and has
been effective for the last 200 years for pains in the back and
• Used by elderly and young adults, sedentary or active lifestyle
• Use before and after strenuous periods of activity
Arnica Montana
• Relieves muscle aches and pains due to overexertion and minor
bruises from falls and sprains
• When you want fast relief, apply arinica ointment to sore muscles and bruises
• Reduces swelling
• Most effective concentration of Arnica on the market
• Use with massage or other physical therapy

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