Monday, October 6, 2014 is now open in India is now open for business in India! is India’s leading online homeopathic pharmacy and resource, specializing in homeopathic single remedies and several homeopathic products. Pharmacy is managed by professionals with over 100 years of combined experience.

We carry a large selection of homeopathy remedies in pellet or tablet forms. All single remedies are conveniently categorized in theSingle Remedies section which you can order in any potency or size you want. Just click on the list of options available on every remedy page. Check our FAQ section for homeopathy medicine and dosage guidance.

Homeopathy Family Kit and Homeopathy Children's Kit can be found in the Family Kits section. Cell Salts such as Calcarea Fluorica,Calcarea Phosphorica and Kali Phosphoricum are available and can be found in the category called Cell Salts.

Our best-selling homeopathy combo products can be found in all other categories. You can check out the offerings, for instance by visiting the categories page for Digestive Health if you are looking for homeopathic treatment for Gas Relief. Alternately you can even use the search option to see how homeopathy can help you.

We recently launched a Homeopathy Pharmacy Section for Professionals. Please follow the easy navigation and place your orders for all our single homeopathy remedies and cell salts in low to high potencies and various size options. Everything from a single page. The regular product pages offer only few options, but from here you can order some additional potencies and large professional packs and extremely competitive rates. Large packs such as 100 grams and 450 grams apart from our regular 4 dram and 1 ounce pack sizes.

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